Maths Week Super Challenge

Maths Week has been extended to Friday 21 August.

Each day, Monday to Thursday there will be one difficult question for you to answer. The answer will be a number.

They may take a while to do and could require you to use your maths book.

You will need to record your daily answers. Click on the day of the week for the Super Challenge questions: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

On Friday you can total up all of your daily answers and submit it online by clicking here.

If this total is correct you will get a link to a page where you can fill in your name and school. You can then print out your Maths Week Super Challenge Certificate.

Your school will also get a notification of your success!

If your total is incorrect then a message comes up to tell you.

You may then go back and correct an answer.

Re-submit and if correct, you will get the Maths Week Super Challenge Certificate.