Online Learning Update

Many teachers are reporting that they are impressed with the level of engagement from many of our De La Salle young men. Our data tells us we have over 70% of students accessing working online.  I thank you for your support in helping us keep your son on track with school.

However, we also understand that there are many in our De La Salle community struggling without access to a laptop. Even those who can access are having to complete at times later in the day or use a phone. We understand how frustrating this must be for you and your sons. If you are able contact your son’s homeroom teacher they will endeavour to send details of work directly to you. TVNZ On Demand has also been updating content for Year 7 – 10 students

Mr Hogarty has been in frequent contact with the Ministry of Education to seek assistance. The Ministry of Education have offered to try and help with loan laptops and we have submitted names and contact details.  We are awaiting their response.  We have already started planning how we will distribute our own school laptops when we can do so safely within the Ministry of Health guidelines. However, this will not be possible until the need to self-isolate as a location of interest. We hope to have better news soon.  Your son’s homeroom teacher will keep in touch.

For those who are online we have a different set of challenges.

Increased Screen Time
Online learning obviously leads to an increase in screen time for your son. We ask students to complete P1 – 4 of their timetables each day only. We know that keeping to a routine helps and we have tried to build in time for things other than schoolwork in the day. We will also do our best to set some tasks that may not need a screen to complete. However, please encourage your son to spend time away from the screen. It is important for the boys to take the opportunity to get outside, read a book or participate in activities that don’t involve a screen.

Online behaviour and etiquette
Overall, our men are very good at this. For example, it is very heartening to see all students addressing teachers with their names or “sir” and “miss” in posts. Remind your sons how they conduct themselves online is important.  Before they post they should ask themselves – Is it appropriate and is it positive?

Online Distractions
Screens provide access to a huge amount of fantastic educational material and resources. Unfortunately, they also provide ample opportunity for distraction. With potential access to games, YouTube, social media apps, or still more harmful online distractions it is important you son is clear about what is expected of him during his time online during lockdown. Please reinforce that your normal house rules as well as normal class expectations remain in place during online learning. Encourage him to make good choices.

Mr Phil Doyle

Deputy Principal

De La Salle College